You're Going to Need a Bigger Venue

No matter your seminar marketing experience, business growth goals, or budget, we'll fill your event with qualified prospects.

A growth engine
you control.

Your Campaign, Our Recipe.

We’ll look at your growth goals, portfolio offerings, audiences, and budget to craft the perfect campaign to fill your events – whether it’s digital advertising, direct mail, or a combination of both. All powered by LeadJig, our industry-leading seminar marketing platform.

Your Growth

Growth Goals

Whether you aim to attract new clients, expand to new locations, or diversify your client base, we tailor your seminar campaign to align with your unique objectives.

Your Portfolio

Portfolio Offerings

We leverage your specific expertise to create compelling seminar content that resonates with your audience, showcasing the value you bring to their financial journey.

Your Audience


We identify and target the ideal households for your seminars, using data-driven insights to ensure your message reaches the right people, maximizing engagement and conversions.

Your Budget

Your Budget

From pay-for-performance digital advertising to custom direct mail campaigns, we design a strategy and campaign that fits your financial plan while driving impressive results.

Seminar Marketing: A Growth Engine You Control

The hardest part about executing a successful seminar marketing campaign is driving the right audience. Over almost 40 years, we’ve honed our craft to pack your room with qualified households ready to engage with a financial professional.

advisor hosting financial seminar with acquireup

Ready-Made Campaigns

We have options depending on your experience and comfort-level running seminars. Our Ready-Made campaigns use pre-defined educational topics, vetted venues, and digital advertising with a proven consumer-facing brand, allowing you to pay only for households who attend your event.

Tailor-Made Campaigns

Our Tailor-Made campaigns are ultra-flexible and customizable, allowing you to have complete control over the seminar type (education or meal-based), topic, venue, and promotional strategy with your business’ brand. These campaigns require a single upfront fee, so you can easily budget your marketing spend.

LeadJig CRM dashboard

Ignite Your Growth with Game-Changing Seminar Marketing Solutions

Every campaign is powered by LeadJig, our exclusive seminar marketing campaign platform, bringing unparalleled data transparency and insights to your events.


Event Marketing

Performance-Based Digital

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Pay post-event per attendee
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Choose from high-interest subjects like SS, TIR and EP
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Leverage our preselected and proven educational venues
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Well-established educational brand and online presence
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Pre-established creative
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Managed digital campaigns



Your Goal, Our Blueprint
Your Vision, Our Expertise



Performance-Based Digital

Pay post-event per household
Social Security, Taxes in Retirement, Estate Planning, College Planning & Medicare
Leverage our vetted, proven educational venues
Tap into a trusted educational brand with a strong online presence
Benefit from pre-established assets
Drive event attendance through digital marketing
Key Highlights
You only pay for the results we deliver

Availability based on location



Your Goal, Our Blueprint
Your Vision, Our Expertise




Pay per campaign
Select any subject that aligns with your goals and expertise
Choose from a range of venues, from restaurants to libraries
Promote the event under your name and brand or leverage one of ours
Leverage proven templates with customization options
Drive event attendance through digital marketing
Key Highlights
The most budget-friendly option with the flexibility to use your social accounts
Performance can vary by campaign



Your Goal, Our Blueprint
Your Vision, Our Expertise



Direct Mail

Pay per campaign
Select any subject that aligns with your goals and expertise
Choose from a range of venues, from restaurants to libraries
Promote the event under your name and brand or leverage one of ours
Leverage proven templates with customization options
Drive event attendance through direct mail marketing
Key Highlights
Consistent performance with precise targeting
No post-launch adjustments allowed



Your Goal, Our Blueprint
Your Vision, Our Expertise




Pay per campaign
Select any subject that aligns with your goals and expertise
Choose from a range of venues, from restaurants to libraries
Promote the event under your name and brand or leverage one of ours
Leverage proven templates with customization options
Drive attendance through a powerful blend of both digital and direct mail marketing
Key Highlights
Engages multiple channels and allows post-launch adjustments

May require incremental investment


Need more details? We’re here to help. Learn about our services, technology, and how we support financial professionals.

Get Answers
What types of seminars can AcquireUp help with?

We help financial professionals grow their business through both educational and meal-based seminars. No matter which event type you prefer, or even a mix of both, we’ll ensure your room is full of qualified prospects.

What seminar topics does AcquireUp provide for performance-based campaigns?

For our Ready-Made campaigns that are performance-based, we’ll help you choose a predetermined seminar topic that best suits your area and target audience. Topics include Social Security, Taxes in Retirement, and Estate Planning. We'll also leverage our tried and tested consumer-facing financial seminar brands to promote your events based on the selected topic.

How much seminar experience do I need to start?

None! If this is your first time doing seminar marketing, your assigned Marketing Consultant can walk you through every step of the journey and help you establish your growth engine. If you’re a seasoned seminar professional, our technology and experience will catapult your seminar marketing to whole new level.

Where can AcquireUp produce and market seminars?

We currently manage and run campaigns in every U.S. state and in parts of Canada. Whether you want to target large metropolitan cities or rural areas, rest assured we have the data and seminar strategies to fill your event. If you’re unsure about what geographies will yield the best results for you, we can show you - just ask!

What payment options does AcquireUp offer?

Depending on the seminar strategies and production options you desire, we have flexible campaign payment options. Our ready-made campaigns are performance-based and you only pay for the households who actually attend your seminar. For tailor-made campaigns, there is a one-time campaign fee that allows you to easily budget your marketing expenses and calculate your ROI in real-time.